Need another copy of your practice sticker chart or your warm-up sheet? I've got you covered! Below are the files for all of my paper resources which you are welcome to print and use, or, if needed, let me know and I'll bring one for you at our next lesson!
Finding the right pair of skates is essential to skating. When thinking of purchasing a pair of skates, consider the following things:
What is the skater's level? Different types of skates are made for different levels of skaters, and putting a skater in boots or blades that do not fit their level appropriately can add difficulty to the learning process for the skater. Before buying a pair of skates, research the type and level that the boot was designed for, and double check with the coach to be sure the pair will be a good fit for where the skater is at in their skating journey.
Are you comfortable purchasing skates online, or would you like to get fitted with a pair in person? For beginner skaters, purchasing skates online is a great and easy way to get a first or second pair of skates. Once a skater progresses more through the levels, or if they have plans of competing, it's sometimes a good idea to get skates fitted in person. One thing to consider when deciding of the skater would like to order online or try them on in person is whether or not the skater has previously experienced discomfort in buying or trying on shoes, or if they are known to have any injury or foot complications that might need to be seen in person. Comfort should be a priority!
How much should I spend on a pair of skates? Sometimes seeing the prices of new, fancy figure skates can be alarming. However, if the skater is just beginning or been skating for less than a few years, there is absolutely no need to go crazy with a brand new pair of skates. Slightly used or hand-me-down skates are just as acceptable, and much more practical. If the skater continues to skate for years to come, then it may be time to look at a newer or more reputable pair.
Skating Club Membership information: For skaters interested in the test or competition track, signing up for a membership with either your local skating club or Learn to Skate USA is eventually an important step. To learn more, check out the Fort Collins Figure Skating Club (FCFSC) website or the Learn to Skate USA membership page!